Terrarium grown plants, propagated by Understory Enterprises Inc. in Ontario, Canada. For plant inquiries contact Plants@IndoorEcosystems.com.
Origin: Peru
Description: This is a modest-sized terrestrial species from the Yurimaguas lowlands of Peru. Our founding stock originated from a now razed patch of forest that stood near Pongo De Caynarachi. This species grows intermittently throughout the region. It is hard to detect with its dark foliage offering little contrast against the forest floor in the deep shade we most often have found it growing in.
Grows alongside both the Lowland and True Nominal Ranitomeya fantastica, as well as the lowland forms of R. imitator, R. variabilis, Ameerega trivitatta, A. pongoensis, A. hahneli, Allobates femoralis, and Cryptophyllobates azuriventris. It likely is also found growing within range of Ranitomeya benedicta and R. summersi.
This plant will be shipped as cuttings.
All plants are imported to the United States from Canada in periodic shipments that will be coordinated via email following your purchase. Please be aware that customs delays are unpredictable and if they occur, we will do our best to keep you informed of the status of your order.
We are now taking orders for our first plant import of 2025. We expect plants to arrive late March 2025.